10 signs you’ve reached THAT point in the semester

You know, that point in the semester… When you’re drowning under a pile of assignments, there’s no food in the fridge and you’re starting to wonder why you ever came to uni? Yeah.

1. You’ve got through 4 seasons of Breaking Bad and 0 pieces of coursework.
2. You wake up and it’s dark. This makes you irrationally angry.
3. You get ill, and you know it’s real illness and not alcohol related.
4. Your room resembles Tracy Emin’s “Unmade Bed”, except with far more Oreo wrappers.
5. The pizza delivery guy knows you by name.
6. No one goes out. Ever. You’ve almost forgotten the smell of alcohol.
7. Day drinking happens at some point. Normally at the SU directly after your 9am lecture.
8. You are never entirely sure what day it is.
9. The siren song of a £3 bottle of Aldi white wine calls you as you do the food shop.
10. You pull an all nighter. Then another one. You cease to understand the concept of time.
Are you at that point in the semester? Are you slowly dissolving into craziness? Leave a comment!

10 thoughts on “10 signs you’ve reached THAT point in the semester

  1. I just spent 3 days housebound writing my dissertation draft! I was nowhere to be found on social media, I got ill, and sleep was definitely for the weak. And to think we have to pay for this form of torture we call education…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that sounds awful! I know exactly what you mean though – I always get ill after a big deadline, because I’ve barely slept or eaten. It’s the reason I’ve had so many colds this year! Good luck with your dissertation ❤


  2. I just pull an all nighter to finish my 1000 words assignment and there’s another one coming :/ and two tests! I feel so tired already 😦 don’t think I have energy to revise for the two tests coming up next week


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